Late Arrival in School

  • Gate will be closed at 7:30am for classes VI to XII & 8:30am for classes II to V.

  • All late arrivals if they arrive after the gate has been closed will be punished/action will be taken.

  • Three late arrivals consecutively would lead to the student being sent back home.

  • Students from classes I - V, arriving after 8:30am will be marked absent.

  • Students from classes VI – XII arriving after 7:30am will be marked absent.


  • No one who has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to the class without an application from parent addressed to the class teacher, stating the reasons for the absence.

  • Students who have been sick should bring a medical certificate from their doctor on the date of joining school.

  • Leaves for going out of station should be approved prior to proceeding on leave. In case of emergency, parents should inform to the school.

  • Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than six consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Readmission may be granted only on payment of a fresh admission fee.

  • It is compulsory for the students to complete at least 80% of attendance in the academic session to make them eligible to fit for final examination.

  • No child should attend school if she/he is suffering from fever even if there is a test/exam. The parent should inform the class teacher by sending an application.

  • A child who remains absent for a test or an exam without information will not be awarded any marks for the same.


Green Card :- To be issued by the Rep for a period of 3 days and signed by the Principal. The card will be returned to the Rep. 3 Green card will mean 1 Yellow card. The card is to be issued for the following :

  • Non completion of homeword without any genuine reasons.

  • Repeated careless and untidy work.

  • Not bringing the books and copies according to the scheduled time table.

  • Not bringing almanac to school.

  • Coming to school in improper uniform.

  • Coming late to the school.

  • Misbehaviour in the bus and in the class.

  • Missing FA's/UT's without permission.

  • Non submission of the application for absence, immediately after joining back.

  • Coming to school in a self driven scooter, motorcycle or car.

  • Shouting and running in the corridor/classes.

  • Not following the line in the corridor / ground / lawn area.

Yellow Card :- To be issued by the Rep for the period of one week. This is to be signed by the Class Teacher. After the end of the one week, card should be signed by Principal and returned to Rep. Three Yellow card means one Red card.

Red Card :- To be issued by Rep for a period of 10 days. This is to be signed by the Class Teacher, Rep, House In-charge and Parent. This is also to be signed by concerned subject teacher after every period. At the end of 10 days, card to be signed by Principal and return to Rep.

  • 2 Red cards mean suspension from the School for one week.

  • 3 Red cards mean expulsion from the School.

Red card will be given for –

  • Missing classes, assembly, activity period etc.

  • Inappropriate behaviour in the School premises.

  • Cheating during the test or exam.

  • Damaging School property.

» Students involve in physical bullying (fight) will be liable for one month suspension.

» If same student is again involve in physical bullying, second time will be liable to expel from the School.

Students involve in psychological bullying (using abusive language/bad words) will be liable for following punishment :

  • First time – Green card for 15 day.

  • Second time – Yellow card for 30 days.

  • Third time – Red card for 30 days.

  • Fourth time – Suspension for 15 days.

  • Fifth time – Suspension for 30 days.

  • Sixth time – Expulsion from School.

Students will be awarded the Character Certificate (categorized as Excellent, Very Good, Good, Average & Poor) based on attitude and values when they will be passed out from the School.


Students can be asked to leave the School on the following ground :

  • Disciplinary

  • Unsatisfactory progress in academics

  • Detention or repeated detentions in a class.


Discipline in the bus is of utmost importance. Students found indulging in shouting, in disciplined behaviour or standing near the door shall be debarred from the school transport for 15 working days.